The advancement of protein shakes

06 Mar

Back in the early 70s and 80s the best way to get your protein was by mixing egg whites as most protein shakes on the market were like drinking wallpaper paste.  The advancement of the protein shaker and protein powders has only really started to evolve around the mid-90s and it started with manufacturers trying to ensure the actual protein drinks would not make you heave on the first sip.

The process of protein powder and sport supplement manufacturing was unheard of back then and to find a protein shop selling supplements would require you asking someone in the gym who you considered as (hard-core). My first introduction to protein was in the late 90s when I told a gentleman in an underground shop that I wanted to pack on size, he proceeded to recommend the biggest tub of powder I had ever seen with a psychedelic label that even the most dedicated hippie would have been proud of.

After carrying this tub for what seemed like a decade I had been given the misconception by the protein salesman that the more of this stuff I drunk the more muscle I would pack on. Two weeks of forcing four protein shakes a day down my throat and hammering the gym I was beginning to take on the appearance of a darts champion rather than a bodybuilding champion.

One of the lads in the gym I trained with back then said to me what protein had he recommended so I decided to rip the label off and show them that I had in fact made an Arnold Schwarzenegger like decision and bought only the best. It turned out that the protein salesman sold me a shake that contained 2500 calories with a mini shovel inside that looked as though it should be used for digging shallow graves rather than scoop protein powder into the glass.

I was not rich enough to have a blender in my kitchen and mixing the drink was like a workout in itself. Looking back it was quite funny but over the years the advancement in protein powders is incredible. You have more flavours on offer than a McDonalds milk shake menu and the powders need little to no mixing, shaking or blending whatsoever.

Out with the vast flavour selection most protein powders now come with recovery supplements inside them such as BCAA and L-Glutamine and the manufacturing process has advanced to the level of applying agglomerated procedures which is the drying of the powder using multi stage processing. The result of this process means your protein powder will be lighter, finer and free of moisture resulting in your shake dissolving almost instantly upon contact with fluid.

Not all protein powders will have this expensive process applied to their range of protein supplements as not all manufacturers have the machines capable of carrying out the drying procedure.  If your supplement company does not use the agglomeration process this does not mean there protein powder itself is any lesser of a quality, it just means that those powders that do not apply the process at manufacturing level might not mix as well inside your sports shaker.


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