Category Archives: Are your protein shakes the quality you think?

Are your protein shakes the quality you think?

It is easy to get confused on what the best protein shakes are with so much variety on the market to choose from and in such a cluttered market place the decision is becoming even more challenging for the everyday consumer of supplements.

With companies now offering a manufacturing solution to anyone wishing to start up a proverbial supplement company with minimal investment how can we be sure of one quality whey from the other?

Most supplement companies would want you to believe that whey protein is just whey protein but the reality could not be further from the truth. There are many different types of whey protein powder designed to deliver perfect protein shakes and the powders can go through multiple manufacturing processes and contain a mixture of protein sources to increase quality. The key of judging the quality of a whey protein lies hidden in the percentage breakdown.

Small and large protein powder manufacturers are not transparent when it comes to divulging this information and to the disconcerting consumer 80% whey seems like a high quality product right? On appearance you would be right in thinking so, but the reality is that it could be made entirely from whey protein concentrate WPC, the cheapest form of whey protein from a manufacturing stand point.

I wonder if the day will ever come when we will see a breakdown on what percentage of whey protein is actually in the tub. Statements of “triple whey complex” are appearing on some whey proteins but they don’t tell us what percentage is concentrate, hydrolysed or isolate which I feel the supplement companies have an obligation in doing. It could be that 78% if concentrate 1% hydrolysed and 1% isolate giving the company the right to market the powder in this fashion and that is simply not good enough.

If a supplement company does makes claims of “having multiple whey protein complexes” in there protein contact the manufacturers and ask them to break down the percentage of the sources they are marketing. They are obligated to divulge this information to you. Open and honest marketing is now being forced in the supplement industry by the OFT and FDA which is fantastic news for consumers of supplements and with expansive points of resource available online to consumers wishing to ensure they are getting value for money the only people who stand to lose from being dishonest are the supplement manufacturers who are ignorant to displaying facts to their target consumer.


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