Category Archives: What’s the Right Age to Start Taking Protein Shakes?

What’s the Right Age to Start Taking Protein Shakes?

Protein shakes can actually be used by anybody at any age as a method of supplementing protein in the diet.  Protein isn’t just essential for bodybuilding.  It’s also essential for many key stages in human development including toddlers, young children and teenagers.  In fact, many parents use protein shakes to ensure their children get the right amount of protein especially if they have allergies or are particularly fussy eaters.

The amount of protein you should consume on a daily basis varies and will depend on age, metabolism, and activity levels.  Protein is essential for the human body throughout life, but especially when growing and when following a bodybuilding regime.  Imagine it this way – when you are young, your body needs protein to grow to its natural size.  You then need to take on a balanced diet containing the right amount of protein to sustain your adult body.  When you switch to a bodybuilding regime you are effectively growing your body again and that means you’re going to need a boost in protein from food or protein shakes for your muscles to keep up.

It’s important to recognise that not all protein powders are the same.  Many can be harmful to the health especially when consumed in excessive doses.  According to the American College of Sports Medicine, teens and younger children can be more susceptible to toxicity when taking protein powder shakes and this can cause major health problems.  Any teenager following a bodybuilding regime should consult his or her doctor before embarking on a protein shake programme.  This will ensure the right dose is administered and that the right products are used.

Whilst protein is essential for human bodily function and growth, it’s important not to overdo things.  Too much protein, taken as food or protein shakes, can have adverse effects that could lead to serious health conditions.  When you take on too much of anything, the body needs to deal with the excess.  Excess protein usually ends up passing through the liver and kidneys and this can put real strain on these organs causing problems such as kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, and cirrhosis of the liver.  You will also be taking on too many calories, carbs and fats when you take on too much protein powder.

Protein powder shakes are in the main safe and totally legal for anybody to take as long as the guidelines are followed and the right dose adhered to.  Sensible consumption and training is key to ensuring the best results.  Many teenagers are still growing and therefore may not experience the results they expect until they have reached true adulthood and it’s also important to speak to a doctor before embarking on any protein powder regime.


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