Category Archives: Why quality protein shakes are essential for building muscle

Why quality protein shakes are essential for building muscle

Bodybuilders and dieters have been using protein shakes for years, but over that time, how has the protein shake evolved and are these changes for the better?  With so many protein shake products on the market and more being released on a constant basis, how easy is it to choose a shake that gives outstanding results?

It goes without saying.  Protein is essential for many bodily functions and for muscle growth and repair.  Without protein in the diet you would be susceptible to muscle wasting and various diseases, many of which can be life-threatening.  Of course, the average person can get plenty of protein through their diet alone, but those serious about building a ripped and toned physique will usually find they need additional help in the form of a protein shake.

Consuming a protein shake after a workout is a great way to get protein into your system fast and is a much more efficient method than eating whole foods.  With liquid proteins in the form of a shake there is no need for the body to take its time digesting the protein and therefore the benefits of protein are transported to your muscles quickly.

Protein shakes also ensure essential amino acids are delivered to your tired and ‘hungry’ muscles quicker than whole food protein.  The most effective form of protein supplements are protein isolate and whey protein hydrolysate.  Both forms of protein have been the subject of a lot of debate and companies across the world have spent millions in their development.  Thanks to advances in modern technology, a better understanding of how the body works, and more companies entering the bodybuilding market, there has never been a better time to take protein shake supplements.

Protein isolate is a supplement formulated by filtering natural milk protein.  These whey proteins are highly ‘bioavailable’.  That means the body can absorb them quickly in order to stimulate protein synthesis and deliver fuel to the muscles.  Hydrolysed whey protein is protein that has been subjected to extensive processing which causes amino acids to be broken down into small chains.  Essentially this means this type of protein is quicker than isolate to absorb.  However, the trade off with many hydrolysed products lies in the taste and many products are less palatable than others.

Which whey protein powder you choose is a matter of personal choice and opinion and you will find plenty of advice and views online.  Whether you are looking to lose weight or build muscle mass, you will find a protein shake that is right for your needs.  Supplements companies are finding new ways to develop and market their protein and other bodybuilding supplements and as a result you should find it easy to choose a brand that best suits your needs and your budget.


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