Tag Archives: core 150

Does your protein shaker bottle do this?

Like everything in life things move on and products get innovated, the same applies to shaker cups and drinking bottles. For years I used to think the reason why my protein powder would not mix properly was down to the poor quality of the powders themselves, and in some instances maybe it was, but my perception on this has since changed.

Shaker Bottles have now evolved by introducing whisk balls and other mixing gimmicks but my advice to you is to not pay a premium for these gimmicks as they will turn out to be just that. To try this I placed my powders in my shaker cup and mixed them with 600ML of water, I then repeated the exact same process with the shaker bottle that both have mixing gimmicks in them and there was no difference on thickness or smoothness to my whey protein shake.

What I did see is a load of expensive whey protein powder stuck to either the gimmick or the bottom of my shaker bottle with the cups I tried, including the mixing gimmick shakers. So I proceeded to max out the water holding to 800ML and I started to notice a slight difference. The bottom of my shaker still had powder stuck to it, but a lot less than before. I then added another 200ML of water and shook normally, job done.

It then fell back to the amount of water the shaker could hold and very few people will put water back into their cup to mix the remainder of powder that often gets pushed down from force during shaking. So how much water do we really need in a shaker to get the perfect shake? Some whey proteins have their own recommendation of 350 ML’s but this will only be the amount you will need to mix the powder and should only be used as a manufacturers guideline. In my opinion 350ML is nowhere near enough and my test with four market leading protein powders appeared to demonstrate just that. 1 Litre is the optimal mixing allowance any shaker should cater for if they have the user in mind for all types of protein powders i.e. whey protein or mass gaining which are noted as being conventionally thicker and harder to mix.

With the introduction of multi storage shaker cups now entering the market, eyes appear to have been taken off the convenience factor entirely, or indeed the entire purpose of a protein shaker. The more storage you try to add outside the cup the less room you can apply to the water vessel of the shaker cup itself if you want the shaker to remain convenient. This is just a mathematical fact. Size and convenience are still more important than ever before, after all there is no point in having a shaker cup that is oversized and awkward to hold.

But what if you could get one shaker cup that stored 150 grams of powder and allowed for one litre of water for optimal mixing and hydration? Well now you can and it is called the Core 150 ™. I am asked to write for a lot of companies in the sports nutrition industry and I will not write anything that cannot be backed up by the product itself. But insofar as storage shaker cups go, or indeed shaker cups themselves no product can come close to this shaker by way of design, functionality or convenience.


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Core 150 ™ Protein Shakers help close the Muscle Recovery Window

Getting the best results from your whey protein requires perfect timing.  The optimum time to consume your protein is around 40 minutes after a workout.  This is the time your muscles need protein the most in order to heal and grow.  Your body starts to heal muscle fibres directly after a workout so delivering protein into the body at this time will ensure it has the fuel it needs to recover quickly and efficiently and you do this by releasing your choose protein powder via one of three internal storage compartments on offer by Core 150 ™ Protein Shakers.

The ‘muscle recovery window’ as it is known is the one-hour period that immediately follows exercise. This is when your muscle recovery is much more pronounced than any other time and also when any nutrition you take on board will be absorbed faster too.  Core 150 ™ is the worlds first triple-compartment sports shaker and holds a thirst quenching 1 Litre of water for hydration that will help to replenish any fluid lost during physical exertion and carb re-loading will help to replenish the fuel in your muscles, but it’s the whey protein that’s going to give you the most benefit post-workout.

By consuming protein during this window after each of your training sessions, you will start to experience faster and more effective muscle gains than ever before.  The Journal of Physiology recently revealed a study where subjects were given a protein supplement either 2 hours after exercise or immediately after.  Those that were given the protein supplement immediately after their workout experienced a 15% improvement in strength and an 8% improvement in muscle size whilst those who consumed their protein later experienced no difference in strength or muscle size.

It’s not only important to ensure you get the best protein shakes into your system, but also when you take them on-board.  You’ll always come across people who do things differently and you need to find what works for you – for example you might want to take protein one hour before you train too – but the one-hour post workout window is what you need to remember and you need to try and aim for 30-40 minutes after training to get the best results from your protein and to ensure your muscles can repair and grow faster.

The good news is that many of the protein powder developers on the market today give clear and concise instruction on how to take your protein and when so you should be left in no doubt how to use your protein shakes.  When protein is taken correctly and at the right time you can expect to experience some really awesome results!


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Shaker Cups have just got trendy are you due an upgrade?

Do you use a shaker cup for your protein shakes? If you’re using a ‘shake and go’ cup that allows you to take just one mixed shake to the gym, then you might be due an upgrade. You see, going down the local gym with a standard protein shaker nowadays is like going to the gym with a sweat band and luminous vest top on then wondering why you get some funny looks. Using standard shakers may also lose you some serious gym cred by finding yourself being subjected to comments such as “you can’t be serious about your nutrition using that” or “are you still using a tape deck to listen to your music? Nice shaker” to mention just a few humorous comments. However, on a more serious note, shaker cups have evolved somewhat over the past few decades in both design and construction and those changes have dramatically improved the safety and convenience of the modern day protein shaker.

You may have heard of the changes made to many consumer plastic products. Baby bottles, flasks, drinks bottles, and shaker cups have in the past been made from plastic, but more recently many manufacturers have changed their production techniques to use FDA approved polypropylene instead. The FDA has approved polypropylene for food contact and as a result many manufacturers across the food and beverage industry have modified their containers so they provide a safer alternative to plastic.

Shaker cups themselves hadn’t changed much until a few years ago when the first compartmentalised cup was introduced. These cups allowed you to take powdered protein in a compartment ready to mix whenever the need arose. These cups were and still are very popular, but they only allow athletes and bodybuilders to carry one does of protein with them. For those taking protein before, during and after training, this was no good.

There are now cups on the market with two compartments such as smartshake (excluding the cup) and the new Core 150 which has even three separate compartments (excluding the cup). The compartments or pods are inside the cup and give you the perfect vessel for carrying your entire day’s supply of protein whilst still having the feel and convenience of a standard shaker cup. Life’s too short to be messing around with lots of different containers measuring powder on the go. What you need is a shaker bottle that does it all and that also ensures your protein is delivered in an exact measurement as well as mixed to the smoothest and most palatable consistency.

If you’re looking for a shaker cup that can fulfil all of your needs and ensure you always have enough protein to hand the new Core 150 protein shaker holds a staggering 150g of protein measured across a number of containers. That means you need never take a huge protein powder package around with you or have to measure out your powder on the fly. Each protein dose is ready when you are and kept dry and fresh in its own individual compartment.

The most important part of training is the training. You don’t want to have the worry of when and where you are going to mix your protein or risk that the local gym sells quality pre, during or post workout supplements. The new shaker cups on the market today make it easier and more convenient than ever before to take your protein supplements on the go and they are available at a really affordable price online. So throw away your old plastic bottle and upgrade to a brand new Core 150 ™ triple compartment shaker bottle instead and be the talk of the gym for all the right reasons.



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Shaker Bottles Are Becoming the Ultimate Training Partner

The good news is that many manufacturers have released excellent shaker bottles on the market that are designed especially for the fitness aficionado in mind. Whether you’re training on track or weights, you’re going to need a convenient solution to deliver your next protein fix and the new multi compartment Core 150 sports shaker bottle leads the pack.

As any bodybuilder knows, training is the number one priority. You don’t have time to spend rushing around mixing shakes or measuring out quantities with multiple tubs. That’s why shaker bottles are an essential piece of kit when it comes to perfecting your regime and ensuring you get the best results. The original multi compartment shakers where seen to be the next big by storing powder, but storing is enough as you will need to ensure that you are not over consuming your supplements. With Core 150 all you need to do is pour your chosen supplement from one of the three internal compartments which hold an exact 50g measurement. When you are read you can then tip the powder into your shaker cup and add the recommended amount of water and pop it in your gym bag. Your protein is then ready to mix on the spot without you having to leave the gym or training ground.

Protein shakes are essential for delivering ample amounts of protein to fuel the muscles and for recovery after a workout. Having the right amount of protein to hand is therefore essential to results. A shaker bottle with special compartments for water and whey protein, intra-workout and recovery supplements is the perfect way to deliver supplementation when you need it the most. Core 150 Shaker bottles are leak-proof, easy to carry and affordable. They are the perfect way to mix your protein on the go and ensure you get the right amount when your body needs it. It’s important that you select the right shaker bottle so look out for reputable stockists or buy direct from

Many protein shake manufacturers give away protein shaker bottles but with the new guidelines being enforced it is unlikely free shakers will be anywhere near the quality of FDA, BPA or meet the required Food Grade Plastic standards used in higher end shaker cups such as the Core 150. You’ll also need to take care of your shaker bottle to ensure it doesn’t start to develop unpleasant odours. Washing your bottle out at the end of each session and use, will ensure your shaker bottle stays looking and smelling its best. With Core 150 there is no need for any other gimmicks or accessories shaker cup related to ensure you get the most from your training regime. Keep your gym bag dry, your life convenient, and your body topped up with the protein it needs with the new Core 150 shaker cup.


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Working your Abs and Core strength whilst realising it’s not all about the crunch.

Sculpting Abs is one of the number one reasons for someone starting the GYM.  No matter what body composition someone may have at the beginning of their fit quest the phrase most commonly heard for starting the gym is “I want a six pack”.

Over the peace we will give you some foundations to abide by in order to get the Six pack your striving for, but we will not do is give you false hope, nor offer a five minute Abdominal guide because the truth is, such a guide simply does not exists and if you’ve found it I suggest you file it under rubbish.

There are a few things which we say are the least of your focus when building abs and these are

  • Starvation diets or excessive cardio work, both of which can actually slow your metabolic rate down to a shuddering halt.  Making it impossible to burn fat.
  • It requires a combination of intensive strength and core training to see those puppy’s commonly referred to as Abs, with a mixture of Cardio, Core strength training, and HIT interval training.
  • Going to the Gym and working your Abs without focussing on your Core or more importantly your lower back sets you up for a visit to the chiropractor’s office in no time.

One of the other biggest mistakes I see in the gym and with clients is that they will only ever relate doing abs to crunches.  Now don’t get me wrong I am not talking down the crunch, but what I am saying is that there is more to abs than crunches and people ignore all other exercises needed to pop the abs.

Rather than focussing solely on the Crunch use it as a pr stretch solution to abdominals with nice and low movements using only half your range of motion. This makes the crunch more intense but also taxes the hip flexors which impedes on proper posture and can cause issues in the core stabilisation needed in almost every exercise we do at the gym.  You can eliminate incorporating the hip flexors by coming up to a maximum of 30 degrees from starting position.

Stretch your abs back at 30 degrees to increase the range and you have what is known as the pre stretch position.  How can I bend backwards 30 degrees if I am lying on the floor I here you say, well that’s where the Swiss ball comes in and this has many advantages.

Out with increasing the demand  on your Core strength all of which is being worked like an Alaskan Husky to stabilise your position through each range of movement, performing crunches on a Swiss ball allows you to pitch your head and shoulders back slightly in order to pre stretch your abdominals.

What If I don’t have a Swiss ball? Don’t worry we will cover that on the next chapter.

Core 150 protein shaker cups for protein supplements


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Losing weight – Calorie Control

There is nothing in the world as simple than losing fat. So much so that it is hard to imagine a world in which most diseases are curable, dozens of vaccinations exist to immunize people from them, but people have trouble with fat loss. In fact, everyone reading this site already knows how to lose fat, as does every idiot on their couch watching TV. Losing weight (and yes I mean fat) is a result of reducing caloric intake.

We all knew that. Anyone disagreeing on the grounds that calories don’t matter should not be taken seriously. The only difficult part in the equation is how to implement a plan for the reduction of calories. Most of the ambiguity surrounding the issue of weight loss comes from people trying to market a way to help people reduce calories without them noticing it as much. The following guide will be a relatively short outline of how to lose fat, addressing the primary issue of diet and the assistance that exercise provides.

Calorie Control

If the name of the game is calorie control, then diet is certainly the largest issue at play. The first step is to determine your approximate caloric need. The best way to do this is to multiply your body weight by 12. So lets use lbs to keep it simple. If you weigh 200lbs, that would be 2400 calories per day (more if you exercise, but on to that later). If anything this is a conservative estimate, which for the purpose of weight loss is very good. Now, we have to figure out a reasonable rate of weight loss.

I think that 1lb/week is very reasonable, although others with less patience may think this isn’t fast enough, I think it’s fine. Since 1lb of fat is 3500 calories, that means we have to reduce consumption by 500 calories per day to accomplish our goal of 1lb per week. So our 200lb man is eating 1900 calories per day. This is it. This is all he has to do. Since we underestimated his caloric needs a bit, if this is all he changes he will lose 30-40lbs of fat in the next 6 months, which could be the transformation from obese to lean. So how does he organize such a diet? Should he go “low carb” or “low fat” or “whole foods” or “the zone” or whatever the flavor of the month is? of course not, these don’t work for anyone.

The Real Secret to Fat Loss

To start with, I am going to reveal the only real secret there is to fat loss. It has nothing to do with calories, carbs, fat or even exercise though. It is a state of mind. You need to go to a mirror and look at yourself and say the following aloud: “I am fat. The reason that I am fat is because I eat too much. If I ate less I wouldn’t be fat.” If you say it and mean it, any diet that you do will be easy, because we all know that no doughnut tastes as good as thin feels. Now that you have the resolve, it’s time to look at exactly what to eat.

My suggestion is generally to stick with whole foods because they are more filling, and not to cut out anything entirely. I will also give a tip for dieters- try skipping breakfast, and eating only during an eight hour window during the day. Most people are not hungry early in the morning and there is never a reason to eat when you aren’t hungry (if you want to lose weight) but be prepared with a READY MADE healthy meal to eat when you do get hungry, like a water packed tuna sandwich on whole wheat with two pieces of fruit and some salad.

Eat a second and third meal at 3-4 hour intervals and once the eight hour window is closed, consume only non-caloric beverages like water. Try to plan your meals in advance, and eat satisfying foods, not low-whatever diet foods because an absence of fats or carbs will make your hungry and likely to binge. At every meal have a source or protein/fats, a source of complex carbs (grains, legumes, etc), and a source of simple carbs (fruits and vegetables). For protein, salmon is very good, but portions need to be watched because of calories. Chicken and turkey are very conventional, but I like brisket, tongue and chopped beef.

The fat is very satisfying and remember that it all comes down to calories so just watch your daily totals. For the complex carbs rice, bread or potatoes are good, and we all know how fruits and vegetables work. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of salad to keep your stomach full. Use vitamins and essential fatty acid supplements to make sure that you meet your RDA’s. If you want a treat, enjoy it in moderation and remember to account for it in your totals. Do not plan cheat days, but if they happen, get back on the wagon and don’t try to atone for them with drastic behaviors, it will only make you crazy.

Once Diet is Under Control

This is how to diet. I know that it sounds simple, but the reason people are fat isn’t because things are too complicated, it’s because they are either lazy, depressed, or in denial of the fact that they are fat. The diet that I described has helped me (and many people I know) to lose weight and keep it off. It isn’t part of a fad and there is no excuse to drop it because of cravings. If you mess up, don’t sweat it and just keep trying.

Exercise is extremely important for general health, but in terms of weight loss it is truly an afterthought compared to diet. Many people make the mistake of exercising too much while on a diet which causes stress and makes people (ironically) turn to food for comfort. Half an hour on a treadmill will burn a maximum of 350 calories, which is comparable to a rich piece of cake or some pizza. If you don’t eat the junk to begin with you get the same benefit with less stress to your body, mind and joints.

Exercise is also much harder than dieting because it involves doing something, whereas dieting is not doing something. It is always harder to do than not do. I don’t think that anyone beginning a weight loss program should introduce exercise until the second or third month, and even then should start out light doing whatever they most enjoy and are most likely to stick to. They should not be concerned about slowed progress because the diet alone will facilitate sufficient weight loss. Weights are always a good idea (once a person is physically and emotionally ready to do serious exercise) though, as they cause the body to burn more calories at rest.

Circuit training is a very time efficient way to train which also has an aerobic benefit for extra calorie burning. Try this circuit (use only machines): Leg Press-Lat Pulldown-Chest Press-Seated Row-Shoulder Press, for three circuits with 30 seconds rest between stations and 2 minutes rest between circuits. Use a 12-15 rep range at weights such that the last circuit you are failing before 15 reps. After this, do one set of Triceps Cable Pushdowns, Standing Calf Raises, and Barbell Curls (free weight) to failure. This can be done up to three times per week on non-consecutive days. It is a half hour workout which even intermediate level trainees can benefit from in terms of strength, endurance and possibly even muscle growth. It is simple but effective.

I hope that this has demystified the issue of weight loss for some people. Remember that if something sounds too good to be true there is always a catch and diet is no exception. The latest method of “tricking the body” or “causing 24 hour fat burn” is always a scam. Although weight loss is simple, no one ever said that it was easy. It is cumulative and takes a long time to reach the end goal. But I promise that if you take my advice, you will make it.

To keep muscle mass when dieting, increase daily protein intake by 150 grams.  The core 150 protein shake shaker cup holds 200 grams for supplements, 150 in the compartments and 50 grams in the cup.


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