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Do you have pull-up power

Everyone in the gym is pushing, or trying to push big weights and you would think that these guys should be able to do at least 12 pull ups right?  But look around your gym. How many people actually do pull ups?  I’d bet my mortgage that there is not that many, if any at all. This will be because pull down exercises and assisted pull-up machines have replaced this once staple muscle building super move.
Even the people still sticking to classic body weight lifts are performing them so poorly that they are getting only a fraction of the potential benefits and are also placing enormous shearing forces on their shoulder joints by doing so. One reason why a  lot of trainees don’t perform pull-ups is because they believe they’re too difficult. But isn’t that why you train? to get stronger, and push yourself to the limit?
So here are four different moves to increase your pull-up power, whatever your current ability might be.
Increase Your Pulling Power
To increase the number of pull-ups you can do, first increase your time under tension. On your final rep (even if you can only do one), try to take 30 seconds to lower yourself back to the bottom. This will increase your muscles time under tension, forcing them to grow stronger faster.
More advanced individuals should try ten sets in one session. If you can do six pull-ups. So ten sets of three reps. In your next session try to increase the total number of reps. Just make sure you leave at least three days between pull-up workouts.
Shoot for a specific number, say 30, as quickly as you possible. Perform as many sets as it takes to get to 30 reps and then, next time you do 30, try to beat that time. Leave at least five days between attempts at this level.
Try and ignore images like this demonstrative as a pull-up. Trust me never in my lifetime, have I seen someone dangle from chains, nor have I seen a moder gym have chains. But I do admit, it does make for good vieweing.
What Is The Perfect Pull UP
Hold the bar or handles with an overhand grip, hands just wider than shoulder width apart.  Extend your arms fully in the down positioned let your body hang straight down, but don’t swing. Keep your chest facing the ceiling squeeze your last and pull up until your chin is above the bar.  Lower slowly to start position without swinging your legs.
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