Tag Archives: shaker bottle

Shaker cups have become a necessity

Protein shaker cups used to be something you received free from your supplement company as a giveaway product, but did any of us ever think they would become such an important feature of our gym bags? The recent innovation of sports shaker cups have seen the introduction of blender balls and under carriage compartments to hold supplements separate from the shaker cup itself.

This was all well and good but one of the main issues with some, if not all of the compartment based storage shakers was that they never gave you the ability to measure your supplements back into your cup. Core 150 is the newest shaker on the market and is a very innovative product indeed with the ability to hold in excess of 150 grams of sports nutrition within three removable centre compartments.

The shaker also has many additional unique promotional features that allow for brands to promote there product from embossing the internal lids of the inner compartments, straight through to its patent protected ability of promoting multiple powders from an optional disposable design.

The sports shaker has taken everything into account by offering an exact measurement of 50g of any chosen supplement which is ideal for professional athletes who are measurement conscious. The Core 150 shaker bottle holds one litre of water for optimal mixing and hydration which is yet another massive selling feature of this product.

With all of this being available in one cup you would think that it would have to be much bigger than your standard shaker cup, but in actual fact it is not. Core 150 has a flat spine at the rear of the cup which completely reduces the width allowing for an extremely comfortable grip without reducing the cups volume holding capability. This is one area of the design that is impressive and further demonstrates a high level of attention to detail with user in mind at all times.

When you put the convenience of having all your supplements to hand as and when you need them together with one litre of water held within one device its easy to see why this particular shaker cup is not only a gym must have but will become a permanent feature of your gym bag, locker or work place.


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Does your protein shaker bottle do this?

Like everything in life things move on and products get innovated, the same applies to shaker cups and drinking bottles. For years I used to think the reason why my protein powder would not mix properly was down to the poor quality of the powders themselves, and in some instances maybe it was, but my perception on this has since changed.

Shaker Bottles have now evolved by introducing whisk balls and other mixing gimmicks but my advice to you is to not pay a premium for these gimmicks as they will turn out to be just that. To try this I placed my powders in my shaker cup and mixed them with 600ML of water, I then repeated the exact same process with the shaker bottle that both have mixing gimmicks in them and there was no difference on thickness or smoothness to my whey protein shake.

What I did see is a load of expensive whey protein powder stuck to either the gimmick or the bottom of my shaker bottle with the cups I tried, including the mixing gimmick shakers. So I proceeded to max out the water holding to 800ML and I started to notice a slight difference. The bottom of my shaker still had powder stuck to it, but a lot less than before. I then added another 200ML of water and shook normally, job done.

It then fell back to the amount of water the shaker could hold and very few people will put water back into their cup to mix the remainder of powder that often gets pushed down from force during shaking. So how much water do we really need in a shaker to get the perfect shake? Some whey proteins have their own recommendation of 350 ML’s but this will only be the amount you will need to mix the powder and should only be used as a manufacturers guideline. In my opinion 350ML is nowhere near enough and my test with four market leading protein powders appeared to demonstrate just that. 1 Litre is the optimal mixing allowance any shaker should cater for if they have the user in mind for all types of protein powders i.e. whey protein or mass gaining which are noted as being conventionally thicker and harder to mix.

With the introduction of multi storage shaker cups now entering the market, eyes appear to have been taken off the convenience factor entirely, or indeed the entire purpose of a protein shaker. The more storage you try to add outside the cup the less room you can apply to the water vessel of the shaker cup itself if you want the shaker to remain convenient. This is just a mathematical fact. Size and convenience are still more important than ever before, after all there is no point in having a shaker cup that is oversized and awkward to hold.

But what if you could get one shaker cup that stored 150 grams of powder and allowed for one litre of water for optimal mixing and hydration? Well now you can and it is called the Core 150 ™. I am asked to write for a lot of companies in the sports nutrition industry and I will not write anything that cannot be backed up by the product itself. But insofar as storage shaker cups go, or indeed shaker cups themselves no product can come close to this shaker by way of design, functionality or convenience.


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All Your Daily Protein Shakes in One Cup Accurately Measured and Ready to Go!

I don’t know about you but when I get serious about my dietary goals or start my supplements I measure everything. But wouldn’t it be great if you could carry your daily protein dose with you in one cup, already measured and ready exactly when you need it?  The Core 150 protein shaker cup allows you to do just that.  Now, you can kiss goodbye to hauling containers around in your gym bag or using storage areas with no exact measurement attached to the underside of your shaker cup.  The original storage shakers where OK when first released but anyone who is serious about their nutrition will know that accurate measurement is critical to any diet or safe supplement consumption.  With the Core 150 you have your protein with you ready to shake with accurate measurement the moment you need it with no mess and zero fuss.

If you’re currently transporting your protein powder separately, or within other so called multi compartment shakers then you’re probably making life very difficult for yourself.  Not only do you need to make a finger in the air judgement call when pouring your powder back into your shaker, but you’ll also need to measure your powder on the fly risking your daily dietary balance while risking over consuming your supplements that can have health implications as well as having an impact on your wallet!  With shakers that have no exact measuring capability you’ll also need to ensure you have a clean scoop with you defeating the convenience factor entirely – the germs or tummy bug you could get from using an un-sterilised scoop will stay in your memory for a very long time!  With the Core 150, you simply measure out your daily protein intake directly from your tub then insert into one of three individual 50g compartments and you’re ready to go, no scoops, no risk of second guessing measuring, and no hygiene issue. The Core 150 cup is also 100% leak-proof so you don’t need to worry about spills or your gym kit getting damp.

You can store 1 litre of water inside the Core 150 when the compartments are removed and this makes for a smoother shake experience and is also perfect for mass gain powders that require more water to get the right consistency.  Mixing is a breeze thanks to the innovative design of the cup and you’ll always have enough supplements on hand to get you through the day no matter how hard you train, from novice to professional.  The compartments of the Core 150 are completely removable allowing for easy cleaning and re-filling of your supplements.

Core 150 also allows you to be totally flexible with your protein intake during the day. If you’re using a number of different powders for different results, you can choose exactly which ones to take with you for consumption as and when you need it.  Those following a Pre/During /Post Workout regime will find this particularly convenient.

Size matters when it comes to choosing the right shaker cup and because Core 150 cancels out the need for additional protein powder containers, scoops and tubs, you get a lot more room in your bag.  Core 150 is dishwasher friendly so that you can have it hygienically ready for its next use.  There is no other shaker cup on the market can compete with the Core 150 on functionality, water volume delivery, quantity of powder storage or convenience all within one very handy and trendy cup.


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Shaker Bottles Are Becoming the Ultimate Training Partner

The good news is that many manufacturers have released excellent shaker bottles on the market that are designed especially for the fitness aficionado in mind. Whether you’re training on track or weights, you’re going to need a convenient solution to deliver your next protein fix and the new multi compartment Core 150 sports shaker bottle leads the pack.

As any bodybuilder knows, training is the number one priority. You don’t have time to spend rushing around mixing shakes or measuring out quantities with multiple tubs. That’s why shaker bottles are an essential piece of kit when it comes to perfecting your regime and ensuring you get the best results. The original multi compartment shakers where seen to be the next big by storing powder, but storing is enough as you will need to ensure that you are not over consuming your supplements. With Core 150 all you need to do is pour your chosen supplement from one of the three internal compartments which hold an exact 50g measurement. When you are read you can then tip the powder into your shaker cup and add the recommended amount of water and pop it in your gym bag. Your protein is then ready to mix on the spot without you having to leave the gym or training ground.

Protein shakes are essential for delivering ample amounts of protein to fuel the muscles and for recovery after a workout. Having the right amount of protein to hand is therefore essential to results. A shaker bottle with special compartments for water and whey protein, intra-workout and recovery supplements is the perfect way to deliver supplementation when you need it the most. Core 150 Shaker bottles are leak-proof, easy to carry and affordable. They are the perfect way to mix your protein on the go and ensure you get the right amount when your body needs it. It’s important that you select the right shaker bottle so look out for reputable stockists or buy direct from

Many protein shake manufacturers give away protein shaker bottles but with the new guidelines being enforced it is unlikely free shakers will be anywhere near the quality of FDA, BPA or meet the required Food Grade Plastic standards used in higher end shaker cups such as the Core 150. You’ll also need to take care of your shaker bottle to ensure it doesn’t start to develop unpleasant odours. Washing your bottle out at the end of each session and use, will ensure your shaker bottle stays looking and smelling its best. With Core 150 there is no need for any other gimmicks or accessories shaker cup related to ensure you get the most from your training regime. Keep your gym bag dry, your life convenient, and your body topped up with the protein it needs with the new Core 150 shaker cup.


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Top Five Winter Running Tips from Core 150™

Not many people like to be active when it’s cold but there are a few of us out there that like nothing best than a run in the cold to warm ourselves up. If you are like us and love to get active when others stay indoors, we have five essential running tips just for you an ensure you have a running or sports shaker bottle to stay hydrated.

1. Warm Up Slowly

Cold weather will cause blood to shunt towards the trunk and away from the extremities. Therefore, to encourage blood to the limbs, spend five minutes walking, wiggling the fingers and toes as you try and establish a light sweat.  Then start stretching the leg muscles for at least 30 seconds and begin a gentle run allowing five minutes to bring you up to normal pace.

2. Be Seen

Probably the best piece of advice we could give you and it may sound obvious but short days and long nights make the need for reflective strips on your clothing and shoes an absolute must. Thankfully, most running specific clothing already has this built in but not all of us have day glow clothing in our wardrobe, at least not to wear in public. A simple added reflective band around your leg or arm will help you get seen.

3. Breathe Slowly

People often wonder why they cough so much when exerting themselves in the cold but running in the cold can cause your airways to constrict when you are trying to breathe causing the coughing effect experienced by most “novice runners” and fitness junkies like myself. By holding your breath for one second longer, you can open up special airways in the lungs that help it to work more effectively in cold weather. Practise this and you’ll find breathing in the cold far much less of a splutter.

4. Avoid Twisted Ankles

The risk of twisting an ankle increases in the wet and icy conditions. Some ankle sprains may take three or even several months to heal and can cause ligament damage. So avoid running in the dark where you can’t see loose paving stones.

5. Don’t Get Cold Last but by no means least, you will find that temperature drops rapidly once you finish running, so don’t stop completely at the end of a run. A 5-10 minute brisk walk at the end of your run will ensure that your muscles don’t cramp up and may help to prevent delayed onset muscle soreness also known as DOMS.


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Not In The Mood For Working Out? Five Total Mood Motivation Tips

Not in the mood for working out? Follow my five important tips into getting the right frame of mind. You can also try pre-workout supplements to give you lift and take them with you in your multi compartment shaker bottle.

1. Get Back To Basics

If a bad mood has swiped your motivation, try to remember why you started training in the first place. By recalling your reasons for working out, you’ll soon feel inspired to get back in amongst the gym environment. If you feel self-conscious because you were once in pinnacle shape, but haven’t trained for a few months wear some baggy tops or hoodies until that tight top short sleeve confidence comes back in a couple of sessions.  You will be amazed at just how good you feel with one week of solid training.

2. Go For A Goal

If you’re not training for any specific event or holiday for that matter goals are the best way for you to trainconsistently. Re-Setting your goals and planning each session round your daily working life so you can work towards your goals can help banish any motivational issues you may have. Remember how you looked on a specific holiday, go through old photographs if you know of a time when you felt and looked your best and place that photo somewhere you can see it each morning you get up to train.

3. Map Your Workout

Varying your workout is absolutely crucial for you stay interested. Changing the music and keeping it up to date on your I-Phone is also crucial believe it or not as all of these have psychological factors on routine and morale. Use websites such as men’s health etcetera or by yourself some books that you can refer to in order change your routine and keep your body guessing.

4. Phone A Friend

I tend to steer clear of this for a few reasons and it’s not because I am antisocial or don’t like anyone. I just feel that when you’re at the gym it should be a workout not a hang out.  Squeezing in an extra workout at the weekend is when a friend can be beneficial once the serious grunt sessions are complete at the start of the week. Badminton and tennis are great ways to mix up your cardio routines.

5. Find Your Focus

If you started out with a negative emotion, take 15 minutes to clear your head and then switch to your focus plan.  This plan might involve focussing on your breathing pattern, form, or if you’re a runner focussing on your stride pattern. But regardless of which remember one thing, it’s often your attitude at the beginning of a task that determines the result. Focus and follow the above and you should be on track to finding your motivation in no time.

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Posted by on February 7, 2012 in Total Mood Motivation


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Turn How You Feel into Performance

Always try to get mad at yourself for any weakness you have. So that you can use anger as a driving force. Stay hydrated by consuming plenty of water from your sports shaker every 4/8 minutes.

Feeling Angry

Your blood is pumping and your heart is beating like a chorus of drums.  When you’re riled a surge of adrenaline shoots through the body, making you feel restless and irritable.  But don’t sit around with gritted teeth and a bundle of supposed anger, get out there and blast through a powerful run workout.

Do this session – Sprints

While finding the focus for a long distance run is very hard to do when angry, getting the power for speed session is easy. Channel that racing heart into a strong sprint; do repeat efforts of 30 second runs followed by 30 seconds of recovery.  Or try 400 meter lap repetitions.  These sessions will alleviate anger and transform your dark mood into a very powerful workout.

Be wary of getting injured

Don’t charge into a session when angry as it might be tempting to get going but failing to warm up could result in an injury.  And it’s not just the lack of a warm up that can lead to pain. Many of us, including myself, run to hard or too fast when angry, so take a step back and ensure you’re warm up before you get into it.

Feeling Sad

When you’re down in the dumps, motivation is at an all time low and you’re more likely to make excuses to stay away from the gym. However research in the journal of Clinical Psychiatry suggest that running could be good for your mood. In fact, experts found both intense and moderate exercise helps relieve depressive symptoms. So, run your socks off!

Do this session – Long Run

A good run promotes the release of feel-good chemicals like endorphins and serotonin. Try doing a middle distance run at a steady pace. You may already be emotionally depleted and this session, choose your favourite route and enjoy running it while happy hormones cheer you up.

Be wary of Emotional Dependency

Don’t depend on running to solve your problems. The risk of relying on running when sad is that you use it as your sole means of processing your emotions.  And there may come a time when you can’t turn to running to escape emotional stress. Instead, enjoy the positive effects of a run and deal with the cause of sadness, or seek expert advice, when at home.

Remember to take your recovery supplements via your shaker bottle and using protein shakes immediately after training will increase both recovery and reduce muscular onset soreness after exertion.


Posted by on February 2, 2012 in Turn How You Feel into Performance


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